sábado, 22 de junho de 2013
sexta-feira, 21 de junho de 2013
Um dia a casa cai...
Archives of Budo tem queda de ~30% no fator de impacto. Parece que a estratégia de aumentar o preço para publicação do artigo terá que ser revista. Há cerca de um mês, depois de uma rápida troca de e-mails com o editor, meu nome foi retirado do corpo editorial. Assim, posso afirmar que tive sorte de ficar enquanto o periódico estava em crescimento : )
domingo, 16 de junho de 2013
Lesões no judô japonês
Am J Sports Med. 2013 Jun 13. [Epub ahead of print]
Catastrophic Head and Neck Injuries in Judo Players in Japan From 2003 to 2010.
Department of Orthopaedics, Tokyo Kosei Nenkin Hospital, Tokyo, Japan.
BACKGROUND:Few studies have documented catastrophic head and neck injuries in judo, but these injuries deserve greater attention. PURPOSE:To determine the features of catastrophic head and neck injuries in judo. STUDY DESIGN:Descriptive epidemiological study. METHODS:This study was based on the accident reports submitted to the All Japan Judo Federation's System for Compensation for Loss or Damage. A total of 72 judo injuries (30 head, 19 neck, and 23 other injuries) were reported between 2003 and 2010. The investigated parameters were mechanism of injury, age at time of injury, length of judo experience, diagnosis, and outcome. RESULTS:Among head injuries, 27 of 30 (90%) occurred in players younger than 20 years of age. The relationship between age, mechanism, and location of injury was more relevant when players younger than 20 years incurred head injury while being thrown (P = .0026). Among neck injuries, 13 of 19 (68%) occurred in players with more than 36 months of experience. The relationship between experience, mechanism, and location of injury was more relevant when experienced players incurred neck injury while executing an offensive maneuver (P = .0294). Acute subdural hematoma was diagnosed in 94% of head injuries. The outcomes of head injury were as follows: 15 players died; 5 were in a persistent vegetative state; 6 required assistance because of higher brain dysfunction, hemiplegia, or aphasia; and 4 had full recovery. Among neck injuries, 18 players were diagnosed with cervical spine injury, 11 of whom had fracture-dislocation of the cervical vertebra; there was also 1 case of atlantoaxial subluxation. The outcomes of neck injury were as follows: 7 players had complete paralysis, 7 had incomplete paralysis, and 5 had full recovery. CONCLUSION:Neck injuries were associated with having more experience and executing offensive maneuvers, whereas head injuries were associated with age younger than 20 years and with being thrown.
Recuperação e desempenho no judô
Br J Sports Med. 2013 Jul;47(10):e3. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2013-092558.16.
Effects of recovery type on judokas' short-term maximal performances during a simulated competition.
National Center of Medicine and Science in Sports, Tunis, unisia.
Scientific data regarding the effects of different forms of recovery on judokas' anaerobic performances during successive judo matches are lucking. Moreover, to our knowledge, no relevant studies have examined the effects of the combined-recovery (passive-active-passive) on these performances. Therefore, the present study aimed to examine the effect of three recovery modes (i.e., passive recovery, active recovery, and combined recovery) on judokas' anaerobic performances during a simulated competition.
Twelve male black belt judokas performed three test sessions, with one recovery type at each session [active (running at 50% of maximal-aerobic-velocity, passive, and combined-recovery (4 min passive-recovery, 7min active-recovery, and 4-min passive-recovery)]. During each session, the judokas performed the squat-jump (SJ), the countermovement-jump (CMJ), the hand-grip (HG), and the isometric-lumbar-contraction (ILC) tests before and after two 5-min judo matches separated with a 15-min recovery, and after a 15-min recovery subsequent to the second judo match.
Performances during the SJ and CMJ, HG and ILC were higher in the combined-recovery condition compared to the passive-recovery one. Moreover, HG was higher after the combined-recovery than the active-recovery before the second combat. Besides, ILC was higher after the active-recovery compared to the passive-recovery before the second combat, and higher after the combined-recovery than the active-recovery 15-min after the second combat.
Judo is a dynamic, high-intensity-intermittent-combat-sport where the anaerobic system provides the short, quick, all-out bursts of maximal power during the match, while the aerobic system contributes to the judoka's ability to sustain effort for the total duration of the combat, to recover during the brief periods of rest or reduced effort, and to an effective recovery between matches. Therefore, active recovery could not be used between judo matches since the judokas need some minutes for muscles relaxation and to concentrate prior to the upcoming combat since judo requires tactical excellence.
Uso de protetores bucais em atletas de TKD
J Adv Prosthodont. 2013 May;5(2):147-52. doi: 10.4047/jap.2013.5.2.147. Epub 2013 May 30.
Mouthguard use in Korean Taekwondo athletes - awareness and attitude.
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, School of Dentistry, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Republic of Korea.
A survey was performed to identify the level of mouthguard use, awareness, wearability issues and attitude toward mouthguard among elite Korean Taewondo athletes.
Survey questionnaires were given to 152 athletes participating in the Korea NationalTaekwondo team selection event for the 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games. Questionnaires consisted of three sections, mouthguard awareness, reasons for not wearing mouthguard and the last section to test the level of acceptance on current mouthguard and when the identified problems were resolved. For analyzing difference among response, χ(2) test was used and significant level (α) was set up as 0.05.
Responses in each of items showed significant difference (P<.001). Majority of response regarding each question: Majority of respondents believed that mouthguard were effective in preventing injuries (36.4%) but the result suggested that the provision of information on mouthguard to athletes was inadequate (44.0%) and the result showed that respondents were not greatly interested or concerned in relation to the mandatory mouthguard rule (31.6%). Although the responses on the level of comfort and wearability of mouthguard were negative (34.8%), athletes were positively willing to wear mouthguard if the problems rectified (51.2%).
Considering the high level of willingness to wear mouthguard if the problems rectified, it is thought that together with efforts in providing more mouthguard information, the work of sports dentistry to research and improve mouthguard will be invaluable in promoting mouthguard to more athletes.
Suplementação de cafeína e desempenho de lutadores
Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 2013 May 22. [Epub ahead of print]
Effect of Caffeine on Upper Body Anaerobic Performance in Wrestlers in Simulated Competition Day Conditions.
Institute of Exercise Biology and Physiotherapy, Centre of Behavioural and Health Sciences, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia.
Purpose: Peak power (PP) and mean power (MP) attained in upper body sprint performance test are considered important factors for competitive success in wrestling. This study aimed to determine whether acute caffeine ingestion would better maintain PP and MP across a simulated competition day in wrestling. Methods: In a double-blind, counterbalanced, crossover study, 14 trained wrestlers ingested either placebo or 5 mg/kg caffeine and completed four 6-min upper body intermittent sprint performance tests with 30-min recovery periods between consecutive tests. PP and MP were recorded during and blood lactate concentration was measured before and after each test. Ratings of perceived fatigue (RPF) and exertion (RPE) were recorded before and after each test, respectively. Heart rate (HR) was monitored across the whole testing period. Results: Mean power decreased across four tests in both trials (p < .05), but the reduction in PP (from 277.2 ± 34.6 W to 257.3 ± 45.1 W; p < .05) only occurred in caffeine trial. Both pre-test blood lactate concentration and HR were higher in caffeine than in placebo trial (p < .05) in the third and fourth tests. No between-trial differences occurred in RPF or RPE. Conclusions: Under simulated competition day conditions mimicking four consecutive wrestling matches, acute caffeine ingestion has a partially detrimental effect on upper body intermittent sprint performance in trained wrestlers. Elevated HR and blood lactate levels observed between tests after caffeine ingestion suggest that caffeine may impair recovery between consecutive maximal efforts.
quinta-feira, 13 de junho de 2013
segunda-feira, 10 de junho de 2013
Edição especial sobre judô feminino
A edição atual da L'Esprit du Judo traz um documento sobre o judô feminino. Há coisas interessantes a serem analisadas...
sábado, 8 de junho de 2013
Entrevista com o presidente da EJU Sergey Soloveychik
Vale a pena dar uma olhada, especialmente a parte do telefonema que ele fez para o presidente da AJJF; além da questão da sucessão na IJF, dado que o Vizer foi eleito presidente da Sport Accord
sexta-feira, 7 de junho de 2013
Judô russo
Variação de posições, técnicas executadas de forma contextualizada e aumento do repertório motor...
Ah!, mas estão sem camisa no dojô... tsc...tsc...tsc...
Ah!, mas estão sem camisa no dojô... tsc...tsc...tsc...
quarta-feira, 5 de junho de 2013
terça-feira, 4 de junho de 2013
Revisão sistemática sobre distúrbios alimentares em atletas de modalidades categorizadas pela massa corporal
Werner et al. Journal of Eating Disorders 2013, 1:18
Weight-control behaviour and weight-concerns in young elite athletes – a systematic review
Anne Werner1*, Ansgar Thiel2 , Sven Schneider3 , Jochen Mayer2, Katrin E Giel1 and Stephan Zipfel1
Weight-control behaviour is commonly observed in a wide range of elite sports, especially leanness sports, where control over body weight is crucial for high peak performance. Nonetheless, there is only a fine line between purely functional behaviour and clinically relevant eating disorders. Especially the rapid form of weight manipulation seems to foster later eating disorders. So far, most studies have focussed on adult athletes and concentrated on manifest eating disorders. In contrast, our review concentrates on young athletes and weight-control behaviour as a risk factor for eating disorders. An electronic search according to PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) Statement was performed using Pubmed, PsychInfo and Spolit. The following search terms were used: weight-control,
weight-control behaviour, weight gain, weight loss, pathogenic weight-control behaviour and weight-concerns, each of them combined with elite athlete, young elite athlete, adolescent elite athlete and elite sports. Overall, data are inconsistent. In general, athletes do not seem to be at a higher risk for pathogenic weight concerns and weight-control behaviour. It does seem to be more prevalent in leanness sports, though. There is evidence for pathogenic weight-control behaviour in both genders; male athletes mostly trying to gain weight whereas females emphasise weight reduction. There is not enough data to make predictions about connections with age of onset. Young elite athletes do show weight-control behaviour with varying degrees of frequency and severity. In particular, leanness sports seem to be a risk factor for weight manipulation. Further research is needed for more details and possible connections
Weight-control behaviour and weight-concerns in young elite athletes – a systematic review
Anne Werner1*, Ansgar Thiel2 , Sven Schneider3 , Jochen Mayer2, Katrin E Giel1 and Stephan Zipfel1
Weight-control behaviour is commonly observed in a wide range of elite sports, especially leanness sports, where control over body weight is crucial for high peak performance. Nonetheless, there is only a fine line between purely functional behaviour and clinically relevant eating disorders. Especially the rapid form of weight manipulation seems to foster later eating disorders. So far, most studies have focussed on adult athletes and concentrated on manifest eating disorders. In contrast, our review concentrates on young athletes and weight-control behaviour as a risk factor for eating disorders. An electronic search according to PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) Statement was performed using Pubmed, PsychInfo and Spolit. The following search terms were used: weight-control,
weight-control behaviour, weight gain, weight loss, pathogenic weight-control behaviour and weight-concerns, each of them combined with elite athlete, young elite athlete, adolescent elite athlete and elite sports. Overall, data are inconsistent. In general, athletes do not seem to be at a higher risk for pathogenic weight concerns and weight-control behaviour. It does seem to be more prevalent in leanness sports, though. There is evidence for pathogenic weight-control behaviour in both genders; male athletes mostly trying to gain weight whereas females emphasise weight reduction. There is not enough data to make predictions about connections with age of onset. Young elite athletes do show weight-control behaviour with varying degrees of frequency and severity. In particular, leanness sports seem to be a risk factor for weight manipulation. Further research is needed for more details and possible connections
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