terça-feira, 25 de março de 2014

Protocolos de progressão do treino de força para atletas de judô

Influence of linear and undulating strength periodization on physical fitness, physiological and performance responses to simulated judo matches

Franchini, Emerson; Branco, Braulio M.; Agostinho, Marcus F.; Calmet, Michel; Candau, Robin

Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research:
doi: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000000460
Published Ahead-of-Print
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To determine the most effective strength periodization model is important to improve judo athletes' performance. Thus, the aim of this study was to compare the effects of linear and daily undulating periodized resistance training on anthropometrical, strength and judo-specific performance. For this, 13 adult male judo athletes (LP = 6 and DUP = 7) completed a 8-week training program concomitantly to a typical judo training program. Athletes were submitted to a physical fitness test battery, before and after 8 weeks of training, consisting of: (a) maximal strength evaluation - bench press, squat and row exercises one-repetition maximum (1RM) tests, and handgrip maximal isometric strength; (b) power evaluation - standing long jump test; (c) strength endurance evaluation - dynamic and isometric chin up tests gripping the judogi; (d) anthropometry measurements - body mass, height, skinfold thickness and circumferences; (e) judo-specific fitness - performance during the Special Judo Fitness Test; (f) match simulation - three 5-min judo match simulations separated by 15-min passive recovery. Eight weeks of linear and undulating strength-training protocols induced similar significant (P < 0.05) decreases in skinfold thicknesses (-6.5%) and increases in flexed arm (2.0%) and forearm (1.8%) circumferences, maximal isometric handgrip strength (4.6% and 6.1% for right and left hands, respectively), isometric strength-endurance chin-up performance gripping the judogi (18.9%), maximal dynamic strength for row (11.5%), bench-press (11.6%) and squat exercises (7.1%), total weight lifted at 70% 1RM for bench-press (15.1%) and squat (9.6%) exercises, number of throws during sets B (3.1%) and C (9.5%) of the SJFT (resulting in increased total number of throws - 5.5%) and decreased index in this test, -4.2%). However, no changes were observed in the physiological, rating of perceived exertion or technical actions during three match simulations. Thus, it seems that the short-term adaptations were not transferable to the match condition.

Um comentário:

  1. Boa noite professores,
    Inicialmente, gostaria de parabeniza-los pelo belo trabalho desenvolvido. No que se refere ao trabalho ter trazido um resultado negativo, fique me peguntando se não foi devido a falta de poder estatístico para encontrar diferença, ( erro do tipo II).
