quarta-feira, 27 de maio de 2015

PPA no taekwondo

 2015 Jun;29(6):1640-1647.

Can Different Conditioning Activities and Rest Intervals Affect the Acute Performance of Taekwondo Turning Kick?


da Silva Santos, JF, Valenzuela, TH, and Franchini, E. Can different conditioning activities and rest intervals affect the acute performance of taekwondo turning kick? J Strength Cond Res 29(6): 1640-1647, 2015-This study compared the acute effect of strength, plyometric, and complex exercises (combined strength and plyometric exercise) in the countermovement jump (CMJ) and frequency speed of kick test (FSKT) and attempted to establish the best rest interval to maximize performance in the CMJ, number of kicks, and impact generated during FSKT. Eleven taekwondo athletes (mean ± SD; age: 20.3 ± 5.2 years; body mass: 71.8 ± 15.3 kg; height: 177 ± 7.2 cm) participated. One control and 9 experimental conditions were randomly applied. Each condition was composed of warm-up, conditioning activity (half-squat: 3 × 1 at 95% 1RM; jumps: 3 × 10 vertical jumps above 40-cm barrier; or complex exercise: half-squat 3 × 2 at 95% 1RM + 4 vertical jumps above 40-cm barrier), followed by different rest intervals (5-, 10-minute, and self-selected) before CMJ and FSKT. The conditions were compared using an analysis of variance with repeated measures, followed by Bonferroni's post hoc test. The alpha level was set at 5%. Significant difference was found in the number of kicks (F9,90 = 1.32; p = 0.239; and η = 0.116 [small]). The complex method with a 10-minute rest interval (23 ± 5 repetitions) was superior (p = 0.026) to the control (19 ± 3 repetitions), maximum strength with a self-selected rest interval (328 ± 139 seconds; 18 ± 2 repetitions) (p = 0.015), and plyometric with a 5-minute rest interval (18 ± 3 repetitions) (p < 0.001). Our results indicate that taekwondo athletes increased the number of kicks in a specific test by using the complex method when 10-minute rest interval was used.

sexta-feira, 15 de maio de 2015

Aptidão física relacionada à saúde em praticantes de artes marciais e modalidades de combate

Sport Sciences for HealthFounded by the Faculty of Exercise Science - University of Milan, official journal of the Italian Society of Exercise and Sport Sciences
© Springer-Verlag Italia 2015

Health-related physical fitness in martial arts and combat sports practitioners

Juliano Schwartz1, 2Monica Y. Takito3Fabrício B. Del Vecchio1, 4Leandro S. Antonietti2 andEmerson Franchini 
Martial Arts and Combat Sports Research Group, School of Physical Education and Sport, University of São Paulo, Av Prof. Melo de Moraes, 65 Butantã, São Paulo, 05508-030, Brazil
Graduate Exercise Physiology Course, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
School of Physical Education and Sport, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
Superior School of Physical Education, Federal University of Pelotas, Pelotas, Brazil
Emerson Franchini
Received: 6 March 2015Accepted: 4 May 2015Published online: 16 May 2015
To evaluate health-related physical fitness in martial arts and combat sports practitioners.
935 adult, male practitioners of Brazilian jiu-jitsu, judo, karate, kung-fu, and taekwondo were evaluated using the fitness assessment tests proposed by the American College of Sports Medicine. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, correspondence analysis, and analysis of variance, with a significance level of 5 % in all analyses.
Most subjects had a body mass index between overweight (karate, Brazilian jiu-jitsu and judo) and normal (kung-fu and taekwondo). Waist–hip ratio and body fat percentage indicated moderate risks for all groups. Regarding VO2max, the kung-fu group showed lower scores compared to the Brazilian jiu-jitsu and judo groups, although all groups were above average in comparison with the standard population. Furthermore, most practitioners were classified as below average concerning muscle strength in all styles, while the kung-fu group was rated as poor. Concerning strength endurance all groups were classified as above average, and the Brazilian jiu-jitsu group showed higher scores when compared to taekwondo and judo groups, the latter showing lower scores than the kung-fu group. Flexibility was classified as average in all groups, and the Brazilian jiu-jitsu group had lower scores when compared to the karate, taekwondo, and kung-fu groups, with this last one showing better results when compared to the judo group.
Instructors should create strategies to improve muscle strength and body composition or practitioners should engage in other physical activities to achieve a better result in these components, the only ones not above average.
 Oxygen consumption Muscle strength Flexibility Body composition

Circuito de kickboxing

 2015 May 11. [Epub ahead of print]

Development of a Non-Contact Kickboxing Circuit Training Protocol that simulates Elite Male Kickboxing Competition.


The aim of the current study was to verify whether the specific kickboxing circuit training protocol (SKCTP) could reproduce kickboxing combat's hormonal, physiological and physical responses. Twenty athletes of regional and national level volunteered to participate in the study (mean±SD) age: 21.3±2.7 years, height: 170±0.5 cm, body mass: 73.9±13.9 kg. After familiarisation, SKCTP was conducted one week prior to a kickboxing competition. Cortisol, testosterone, growth hormone (GH), blood lactate [La] and glucose concentrations, as well as Wingate upper body test, countermovement jump (CMJ) performances were measured pre and post SKCTP and combat. Heart rate (HR) and rating of perceived exertion (RPE) were measured throughout rounds (R) R1, R2 and R3. Testosterone, GH, glucose, [La], HR, RPE and CMJ did not differ among the two conditions (P>0.05). However, Cortisol was higher for competition (P =0.038), while both peak (P =0.003) and mean power (P <0.001) were higher in SKCTP. The study suggests that SKCTP replicates the hormonal, physiological and physical aspects of competition. It is therefore suggested as a good form of specific kickboxing training, as well as a specific assessment tool to be used by kickboxing coaches to quantify kickboxers' fitness levels, when physiological parameters responses to the test are measured.

segunda-feira, 4 de maio de 2015

Treinamento de atletas de judô

Artigo sobre a especificidade das adaptações ao treinamento de judô. Estudo conduzido em 2004, na Universidade Mackenzie, avaliando o treinamento dos atletas do GR Barueri, sob o comando do Prof. Luciano Matheus.
Specificity of performance adaptations to a periodized judo training programOriginal Research Article
Pages 67-72
Emerson FranchiniFabrício Boscolo Del VecchioUrsula Julio, L. Matheus, R. Candau
O judô é um esporte de combate caracterizado por esforços intermitentes de elevada intensidade. Para lidar com a demanda competitiva, a periodização do treinamento deve ser adotada para melhorar o desempenho de atletas de judô. Assim, o objetivo do presente estudo foi monitorar as mudanças em diferentes variáveis durante o treinamento periodizado de judô.
Dez atletas de judo adultos foram avaliados com intervalo de 18 semanas, no começo do período preparatório e uma semana antes da principal competição do período competitivo. Durante esse estudo observacional, as variáveis consideradas foram: composição corporal, potência e capacidade anaeróbias de membros superiores e inferiores, potência muscular de membros inferiores, potência aeróbia de membros superiores e inferiores, força máxima, resistência de força e desempenho específico do judô. O teste t de Student foi utilizado para comparar as variáveis entre os períodos.
Ao final deste período os atletas apresentaram aumento significante na potência (pré = 535 ± 74 W; pós = 617 ± 81 W; 15%) e capacidade anaeróbias de membros superiores (pré = 344 ± 29 W; pós = 402 ± 38 W; 17%), potência anaeróbia de membros inferiores (pré = 778 ± 77 W; pós = 882 ± 130 W; 13%), resistência de força isométrica de pegada (pré = 31 ± 17 s; pós = 43 ± 15 s; 39%), resistência de força dinâmica de pegada (pré = 7 ± 5 rep;pós = 11 ± 5 rep; 57%), potência aeróbia de membros superiores (pré = 113 ± 25 W; pós = 122 ± 29 W; 8%) e 1RM na remada (pré = 85 ± 23 kg; pós = 92 ± 26 kg; 8%). A composição corporal, o desempenho específico ao judô, a força máxima isométrica de preensão manual, o 1RM no supino, o número de repetições a 70% de 1RM na remada e no supino e a potência muscular de membros inferiores foram mantidas. Os atletas apresentaram decréscimo na potência aeróbia de membros inferiores (pré = 235 ± 62 W;pós = 209 ± 43 W; 11%).
Os resultados do presente estudo indicam que as mudanças durante um programa periodizado de treinamento de judô foram específicas à demanda da luta, embora nem todas as variáveis tenham melhorado ao longo do período analisado.