sábado, 26 de outubro de 2013

Como treinaram os judocas olímpicos brasileiros

 2013 Oct 21. [Epub ahead of print]

Olympic preparation in Brazilian judo athletes: description and perceived relevance of training practices.


1Martial Arts and Combat Sports Research Group, Sport Department, School of Physical Education and Sport, University of São Paulo 2Human Movement Pedagogy Department, School of Physical Education and Sport, University of São Paulo, Brazil.


The aim of this study was to describe the training routines used by judo athletes and their perception concerning the relevance, effort made, concentration needed and pleasure obtained during the training sessions conducted six months prior to their Olympic participation, and to compare medal winners and other competitors in these aspects. Sixty-one Olympic Brazilian judo athletes (males = 39; females = 22), representing 66.3% of all Brazilian participants in this Olympic sport (from 1964 to 2008), including 10 medal winners (nine males and one female) answered a questionnaire concerning their training routines. Mann-Whitney and Student t test for independent samples were used. Judo medallists and non-medallists in the Olympic Games did not differ in: (a) the age they started to practice and to compete in judo; (b) age when they competed in the Olympic Games; (c) hours of training per week and per training session and number of training sessions per day in their preparation for this event; (d) frequency and time spent performing judo-specific and general exercises, as well as their perceived relevance, effort, pleasure and concentration for these activities performed during the preparation for the Olympic Games. The only differences found were the groundwork (ne-waza) randori practice, which was less frequently performed by medal winners, and perceived relevance atributted to this activity, which was considered less relevant by the medal winners compared to non-medal winners. Thus, judo Olympic medal winners and non-medallists did not differ in many training aspects in the final phase of their preparation to the Olympic Games.

2 comentários:

  1. Putz, meu sensei sempre comenta que alguns tipos de treino "não viram em nada" e que certos praticantes são muito bons mas nunca ganham nada...

    Fora que o Brasil já ficou pra traz da Hungria no kendo, veja no youtube os vídeos do mundial de 2012 e os resultados do world sports game
