sábado, 25 de maio de 2013

Contribuição energética no boxe

 2013 May 20. [Epub ahead of print]

The Energetics of Semi-Contact 3 x 2 min Amateur Boxing.


Centre for Sport and Exercise Science, Biological Sciences, University of Essex, Colchester, UK.


The energy expenditure of amateur boxing is unknown.


Total metabolic cost (Wtot) as an aggregate of aerobic (Waer), anaerobic lactic (W[lactate]) and anaerobic alactic (WPCr) energy of a 3x2 min semi-contact amateur boxing bout were analysed.


Ten boxers (mean±SD (lower/upper 95% confidence intervals) age: 23.7±4.1 (20.8/26.6)yrs; height: 180.2±7.0 (175.2/185.2)cm; body mass: 70.6±5.7 (66.5/74.7)kg) performed a semi-contact bout against hand held pads created from previously analysed video footage of competitive bouts. Net metabolic energy was calculated using respiratory gases and blood [lactate].


Waer 526.0±57.1 (485.1/566.9)kJ was higher (p<0.001) than WPCr 58.1±13.6 (48.4/67.8)kJ. W[lactate] 26.2±7.1 (21.1/31.3)kJ was lower (p<0.001) than Waer and WPCr. A ~70kJ fraction of the aerobic energy expenditure reflects re-phosphorilation of high energy phosphates during the breaks between rounds which elevated Wtot to ~680kJ with relative contributions of 77% Waer, 19% WPCr and 4% W[lactate].


The results indicate that the metabolic profile of amateur boxing is predominantly aerobic. It also highlights the importance of a highly developed aerobic capacity as prerequisite of a high activity rate during rounds and recovery of the high energy phosphate system during breaks as interrelated requirements of successful boxing.

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